8 Surprising Facts about Google

BANGALORE: Google has become an essential part of our lives.  We have often heard people saying let’s “Google it.” Users can search for the information they desire by entering keywords and using operators. In March 2007, Google was noted as the most visited website, having over 528 million visits for the month. Here is a list of 8 interesting facts about Google

#1. Fact 1:

When you sit down at your computer and perform a Google search, the machine checks  the google index to determine the most relevant search results to be delivered to you. Google's search engine is a powerful tool; it takes over 200 factors into account before delivering you the best results for your query. Google uses a special algorithm called the Googlebot to generate search results.

#2. Fact 2:

Google owns a cluster of domains such as, Gooogle.com, Gogle.com, and Googlr.com, which directs to Google.com. Interestingly, Google also owns 466453.com, which is strange. Take a look at your telephone keypad, and match up the numbers to the letters “4 GHI 6 MNO 6 MNO 4 GHI 5 JKL 3 DEF,” that is “466453= Google.” So if you type any of these knowingly or unknowingly, it doesn’t take you to some strange page, you will still land up on Google.com.

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