8 Soon-To-Be-Obsolete Technologies

BANGALORE: In the blink of an eye, a technology that's on top today can be made obsolete by the next advanced thing. While vinyl records were replaced by audio cassettes and CDs in the 1980s.The VCR was replaced by the DVD back in 1976. In the same manner digital watches tried to replace traditional ones but just couldn’t, so they now are combined to fit in one watch.     Jake Widman of the Computer World gives a peep into other technologies can could be obsolete in the near future.

So long smartphone

A new generation of wearable technology is coming and it will bring changes.. Wearable devices like smartwatches and smart glasses will surpass 19 million units in 2014, and the global market will reach nearly 112 million units in 2018.

Google has poured millions into eyeglasses; Google Glass is just the beginning. The barrier to the wearable future isn’t technological innovation; it’s the unique challenge of creating something personal. Wearable devices are poised to push smartphones aside; wearable future will be here someday and revolutionize  our everyday lives.

Mo' betta mobile power

Batteries have their drawbacks, they’re heavy, take a long time to charge and store energy electrochemically, which means they provide a toxic disposal challenge,which is why batteries wear out in 300-500 charge cycles.

Batteries will be replace by super capacitors  which operate like regular capacitors ,which can store much more energy, charge faster, last longer , higher reliability  and they have their own set of disadvantages like they're expensive and don't hold as much energy per weight as standard batteries. Capacitor technology has improved a ton in recent years. Ultracapacitors have become a key component in green tech, and increasingly are part of 'regular' technology as well.