7 Most Annoying Things About iOS 7

Bangalore: iOS 7 update was rolled out to the Apple geeks week ago. The update will reach iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, fifth generation iPod touch and iPad 2. The OS brings an entire new look and feel with its flat user interface, leaving behind Apple’s skeuomorphism design that was inspired by nature. There is bevy of other interesting features like- AirDropCamera, Touch ID and Photos apps. But at the end of the day, every new operating system comes with a slew of slight problems and annoyances, iOS 7 is no different. Read on to know 7 most annoying things about iOS7 as compiled by Times Of India. 

#7 Annoying parlor trick

Parallax brings new moving home screen to the devices running on iOS7. To view different portions of the image, all you need is to tilt the screen. It's a cool parlor trick, but not really useful. It can annoy you incredibly by when it comes to viewing images on larger screen of an iPad. Worse is the fact that disabling it is hidden away. However you can take it off by going into Settings > General > Accessibility > Reduce Motion, and turn that "On."

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