20 Countries With Biggest Internet Users

#3 India

India’s telecommunication industry, which consists of mobile, telephone, broadcast and Internet underwent a high pace of market liberalization and growth since 1990s and has grown over twenty times within ten years. Currently, it has the world’s 3rd largest Internet user-base with over 137 million out of an estimated total population of 1.20 billion. There has been 11.4 percent penetration in the usage and India has a share of 5.7 percent share of users worldwide.

# 4 Japan

Japan, an island nation in East Asia has an estimated total population of 127.36 million out of which 101, 228, 736 are active Internet users. Thus, it shows a penetration of 79.5 percent in population and country’s share ranges up to 4.2 percent among the worldwide users which ranks it the 4th position.

# 5 Brazil

The Internet in Brazil was launched in 1988. Currently it has a user base of 88,494,756 out of an estimated total population of 193.94 million. Thus, the country has a user penetration of 45.6 percent and occupies a share of 3.7 percent worldwide in terms of Internet usage which makes Brazil rank as the 5th among the countries with most Internet users. 

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