10 Online Scams To Know and Avoid

BANGALORE: The last thing anybody wants is to be a victim of fraud. Well unfortunately some of us have become victims of it and others have barely avoided being a victim. So in a world where corruption, fraud and cheating are so prevalent there are and there always will be those who want to swindle innocent people to make easy cash and in that process destroy a life. 

The largest amount of scams happen online since the world is being driven more and more technologically, where almost everything we need and do is getting computerized. This is a good thing as it makes our lives easier, but also a very good portal to end up in the greedy net of scammers. So here are some of the major areas where people are scammed and also an eye opening ways of how to identify them.

Infected sites: The world is being driven by computers and everything we need is on the internet. The websites we login to or visit were created by programmers for the good of the people but these sites can be infected by viruses that can give someone else access to your personal information. There are also numerous sites online that are not legitimate.

These kinds of sites arise especially during festive seasons or national celebrations where people are on shopping spree. During these times it’s important to be alert when you shop online. So in cases like this go to a familiar site or visit sites with the most traffic.

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