Is Entrepreneurship With A Social Mission More Successful?

Bangalore: The very first thought that would strike an aspiring entrepreneur would be whether to mix the essence of charity in their venture. As the saying “charity gives clarity” it creates a favorable impression about the startup in the minds of common.

Closely observing startup entrepreneurs we find a growing trend of young geeks donating a portion of their profit for social progress. Even though the basic motivation behind the act is business it is certainly good enough to win the heart of people.

Once a venture decides on  taking a social mission, the next hard to answer question will be ‘when?’ Should the business be launched first and gradually hook on a social mission or initiate the mission together with the inauguration.

It is recommended that the business venture and social mission be launched together as it avoids the social mission from being a future concern. There are many other reasons that demand your commitment in the start.

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