Introducing The New Distraction-Free Text Editor For Windows

Does the word combination “distractionfree” ring any bell to you? If you have not heard about it before, now you have a chance to try out the new desktop application for Windows machines the essence of which is to boost your productivity and make the work with text more efficient.

The HamsterCoders company has released Write! The digital feather for writers, bloggers and every person who at least once a day uses their PC to write a blog post, novel, or just a single line. At the first sight, the application seems a bit strange, since as you open it you can see nothing but a white screen. However, as soon as you start writing, you feel the atmosphere of simplicity and distractionfree environment that helps you plunge into the text head over ears.

The simple design does not mean that the application is featureless. All you need to do is just right click on a word, word combination or the whole text, and the application suggests you a bundle of options to choose from.

You can make the text bold, italic, underline it, or strike it through. What is more, Write! suggests you a number of formatting options among which there are many that bloggers can take advantage of, for example the app suggests you H1, H2, H3 formatting, make the text a quote, highlight it in red as very important, make the text look like a programming code, or numerate it either in numbers or the alphabetical order. But it is not the last, all these formatting options can be easily exported to WordPress and published on your site.