Entrepreneur: 4 Things I Gained By Admitting "I Don't Know"

Bangalore: Being an entrepreneur is really thrilling and overwhelming. It makes the entrepreneur create a never ending to do list and action upon every aspect of the business. An idea of another entrepreneur can create an envious environment around but nevertheless some ideas are good with other people and your idea is the best with you.

It might not be difficult for an entrepreneur to say that his business did bad or to admit that his revenues were just the famous digit founded by Aryabhatta, but to find an entrepreneur admitting and saying  ‘I don’t know’ is rare and extinct. Maybe it is the fear of losing the entrepreneurial label or maybe they aren’t confident to accept and admit the fact. Entrepreneurs should not be cowards, they must be ready to face situations and be real. ‘I don’t know’ is a statement that is less made by entrepreneurs but if it has been made, they see a lot of good changes. You are only at gain by accepting it and here are few ways on how you would be benefited.

Shows new ideas

Being an entrepreneur is often to be the most prestigious and looked upon job but it doesn’t really mean that you are the ‘God’ of the business. In today’s world every second sees a new change and if you are not updated or quick with your ideas, you lose it all. The simple statement of saying ‘I don’t know’ in such circumstances helps you to learn more from your peers and colleagues.

Sometimes colleagues or employees in a company are smarter than the business runners, admitting it to them that you do not know the fact can only help your business though it would pull you down for a minute if you are a strict bossy character. I didn’t know or I don’t know can bring in more ideas to business through various inputs which of course must be credited! But it is again the entrepreneur who runs the business with all the collective ideas.