5 Unexplored and Unheard Ideas for Indian Startups

Bangalore: Few words of inspiration from the legendary figure of innovation “Get a good idea and stay with it. Dog it, and work at it until it’s done right.” - Walt Disney. The Startup sector is one which thrives on innovation and new ideas which fill gaps. These gaps are usually considered to be pot holes that businesses just maneuver around but startups have the ability to cover up these holes in the market with their innovative design and products.

There are various niches and innovative fields that have still not been unraveled by Indian entrepreneurs; these fields if mastered have the potential of changing the world as we know it to be today. Here are 5 startup ideas that can change the world, if entrepreneurs in our country with the zeal and drive to innovate take bold steps in these directions:

#5 DNA Laser Printer

A DNA laser printer works just like a normal laser printer the only difference being that it replaces the traditional ink with genetic code.

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