Roster for Most Highly Rated Episodes on TED Talks

Pranav Mistry

This episode revolves around the potential of Sixth Sense technology and Pranav Mistry navigates the audience through an interactive session about how the physical world can interface with the digital world in the present day. He is the Director of Research at Samsung research America. The device he created is also called SixthSense, a wearable gadget which runs on the same principle enabling new interactions between the physical world and the digital world. Pranav also talks about his future plans which highlight the possibility of having a ‘Fifth Sense’ device for people with speaking impairment.

Daniel Kahneman

Another popular episode saw the very renowned psychologist Daniel Kahneman take the dais. The episode is coined “The Riddle of Experience vs. Memory,” and focuses on why humans are often irrational and how memory often fails to lead them in the right path. Kahneman explains this as a behavioral trait where humans choose memories of experience, rather than actual experiences. Daniel adds a quirky fact for the audience’s amusement by mentioning that that our feelings also vary with income.

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