Latest Practice in Usage of Pre-workout Supplements

Latest Practice in Usage of Pre-workout Supplements
Bangalore : New Research into the workout regimes of bodybuilders reveals a "trend" towards the use of pre-workout supplements. Supplement companies such as Mr Supplement are citing an increase in demand for Nitric Oxide (NO) Supplements that stimulate blood vessels and increase muscle hardness. Trusted manufactures make sure there is not high levels of caffeine and dimethylamylamine which lead to burnout with over use. High levels of caffeine use can lead to crashing and fatigue, so it is important to look at the levels of caffeine in individual supplements, so as not to ingest large quantities by taking multiple supplements. Weight Lifters participated in a double blind trial to measure the effectiveness of pre workout supplements. Some were given placebos, while the others were given products that contained Taurine, Caffeine, Creatine, Glucuronolactone and Beta-alanine. They had no other supplementation 6 weeks prior or during the test and were not told whether they were given the placebo or the real product. The study by Gonzalez et al (2011) revealed that the use of pre workout supplements increases the number of exercise repetitions and the power produced by the muscle. There was no statistically significant increase in "feeling" focused, or the feeling of more power. Overall it is clear that the supplements had a positive effect on the training regime of the athletes, and this can be applied to other disciplines outside of weightlifting.