10 Dog Tales that Will Touch Your Heart

BENGALURU: Dogs are adorable innocent friends who may jump in our happiness and cry in our sadness. This four legged family member is sometimes a secret holder, toy to cuddle with or sometimes a shoulder to cry on. It is truly said that dogs are man’s best friends.

History has witnessed many incidents of faithful dogs rescuing their masters. Perhaps they are more sensible than us humans and lack selfishness. Let’s pay a hearty tribute to all those canine friends who were full of humanity and affection in their lifetime, as compiled by Listverse.com.

swansea jackSwansea Jack: This tale is about Swansea Jack, a black retriever who lived with his owner William Thomas in Swansea, Wales. This is a story from 1930s when jack saved a drowning boy from the river Tawe. Jack’s bravery did not end there and again after few weeks he saved another swimmer. Within the next decade he saved up to 27 people from drowning in the most dangerous river and docks in Wales.

Jack was awarded with a silver collar by the Swansea Council, the bravest dog of the year and a silver cup by the mayor of London. A statue and a plaque were made as a symbol of his bravery.

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