Wireless Devices May Cause Cancer: Study

Your fears are not completely unfounded. Mobile phones can actually cause cancer, says a study.

Monday, 27 July 2015, 16:38 IST

Smartphones Can Improve Health Of Poor Urban Women

With a large majority of poor urban women having access to cellphones, the device can be used to improve the health of those at risk of diabetes...

Friday, 24 July 2015, 00:16 IST

Expectations Shape Infants' Brains: Study

Infants can use their expectations about the world to rapidly shape their developing brains.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015, 23:51 IST

Now, Tool To Identify Healthy Food

If you think that your favourite eating joint is making you fat, do not worry. New results identify an effective tool for measuring how well a...

Friday, 17 July 2015, 23:34 IST

Diversify Your Diet To Stay Healthy

A loss of dietary diversity during the past 50 years could be a contributing factor to the rise in obesity, Type 2 diabetes, gastrointestinal problems and other diseases.

Exercise Good For The Elderly's Brains

Sleep-Deprived Brain Can Put You At Risk

How To Prevent Sleep Apnea During Pregnancy

Exercise Helps Men Regain Bone Mass

Rare Technique Used To Save Woman With Brain Haemorrhage

A 25-year-old woman, who fell unconscious after suffering a brain haemorrhage, was successfully treated using a rare intervention technique at a hospital, doctors said. Heena Khan fell unconscious after suffering a severe headache

Fibre From Many Sources Helps In Good Health

NEW YORK: People who get dietary fibre from many sources benefit more than those who limit their intake to a single food or low-fibre diets, new...

Load Up On Fish Oil Pills: It Can Boost Heart Health In Older Adults

BANGALORE: Taking omega-3 fish oil supplements daily can improve cardiovascular health in older adults, scientists have found. The risk of cardi...

NDMC to Accept Online Applications for Yellow Fever Vaccines

NEW DELHI:  Delhiites travelling to tropical and sub-tropical places in Africa and South America can now apply online for yellow fever vacc...