World's Happiest Countries, Where Does India Stand?

Bangalore: What makes a country happy? According to UNO, a country’s happiness is measured based on its governance, economic condition, corruption level and also the security of the citizens.

The happiness of the people increases only if the government is able to make lives of the people better within in a country. Almost every year the survey reveals that people from the coldest corners of the planet, tops the list for being the ‘Worlds Happiest Countries’.

Let's take a look at some of the happiest nations and also the position of India from this year’s World Happiness Report, as compiled by Rediff


Happiness score: 7.693

Overall rank: 1

Denmark has frequently been listed as the World’s happiest country. This year, again the country has been declared as the world’s happiest country.

With an overall happiness score of 7.693, Denmark was ranked 1 in the list. The country boasts as having the world’s highest per capital income and the government is corruption free. The safety rate of citizens is very high in the country and is one of the fastest growing countries in the world. In the year 2013, Denmark was also ranked 15th on the Human Development Index.