World's 10 Great Societies, India Missing

Bangalore: What factors make a society great? Economic opportunity and quality of life definitely are the main components. While, economic opportunity allows people to create wealth for themselves and society, quality of life allows them to enjoy their wealth, advancing their personal and public lives. Forbes recently came up with the list of world’s 10 great societies. The list sees a number developing nations but its surprising that India hasn't made it to the list, despite the fact that India's economy has considerably grown.

The other major factors that were considered to determine the great societies are GDP, Economic Freedom, Ease of Doing Business, Globalization, Global Creativity, Global Innovation, Global Competitiveness, Environmental Performance, Sustainable Society, Human Development and Quality of Life.


Germany tops the list of the world’s 10 great economies. It recorded for a GDP of 3,085 billion dollars in 2011. Further in terms of Economic Opportunity & Quality of Life (EOQL) the country has been marked 9 out of 10. This means that Germany makes it to the top 20 percent in nine of the ten indicators deployed. Germany was seen to miss out on the Globalization Index.

The land of beer is also known to have quality health insurance, high average wages, and quality infrastructure. Germany has a great standard of living.


Netherlands ranks second on the list. It recorded for a GDP of 706 billion dollars in 2011. In terms of Economic Opportunity & Quality of Life it scores 9 out of 10. Netherlands was seen to miss out on the Sustainability Index.

Netherlands has a high standard of living, while it maintains an affordable life for its residents. The costs of living, housing, education and cultural activities in Netherlands are lower than in most Western-European countries.