Top 10 Unusual Uses of Beer

3. Polish your furniture

If you are looking for an easily available, reasonably priced and effective wood furniture polish, then beer is your answer. Simply pour a little beer, preferably stale, onto a polishing cloth and rub it on the furniture. Stand back and be amazed at how brilliant and shiny your furniture ends up looking. So the next time a relative announces a visit on short notice, do not panic if you’ve run out of furniture polish. Remember to use this trick!

4. Marinate meat

Before cooking, meat has often been marinated in a liquid which is often acidic. This is done because the marinade renders its flavor to the food and also tenderizes it. Beer makes a great marinade. You can be experimental and add any flavor you like to beer – even things like jam! A more conventional addition would be soy sauce or other Asian sauces. Depending on what you are cooking, chunks of pineapple and its juice combined with ginger will give a great sweet-sour result.