Indian Politics 2014: What Are The Hits and Misses?

BENGALURU: 2014 is probably the most eventful year in the Indian political history. Things have gone haywire for some, and for others it was drive to cloud 9. For starters, India is under an all new leadership, but there is something more than mere regime change. The country witnessed new political netas coming out into the limelight along with some shocking dupes which were hard to digest. To sum up India changed its overall appearance by the end of the year.

Amidst the victory rolls and unbelievable failure it is now time to check what did India ‘Hit’ and what did it ‘Miss’. Here is how Business Insider charted out Hits and Misses in Indian Politics for 2014:

Lotus Power: The Biggest Hit this Year:

Saffron power swept the entire nation with its wave. Absolute loss faith in the UPA government was the most obvious reason that led to a regime change. Modi’s ride uphill task against the mighty Congress was made a lot easier with the malfunctioning that killed the party from within. The wave of hope spread by Modi was consumed by everyone and rightly so. More so in the states that were conventionally not the seat of power for BJP hailed the hope of ‘acche din’. This indeed is a super duper hit.

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