Child Marriage Now Hits India's IT Hub

Bangalore: India is one such country in the world where child marriage is reported at the highest number, with nearly 43 percent of girls married under the legal age of 18, according to United Nations statistics. The poor records in stopping child marriages in the country is mainly due to some factors like low rate of registration of cases, delayed implementation of law and fear of going against the culture and traditions of the society.

Chief of UNICEF field, Dr Tania Goldner, said, "Child marriage is a violation of child rights and unfortunately, it is still a very sad reality in India. The good thing is that India has legislation in place to prevent child marriages,”as reported by Rohith B.R. for TOI.

Bangalore,-the IT capital of the country is one such city which is hugely inflicted by this social tradition of child marriage. Every four cases of marrying off the little girls are reported every week from this city itself. As such, the concept of child marriages no more lingers only in the impoverished backward regions of the country. The figures in recent times are increasing, as per data gathered from the women and child welfare department.

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Also Read: India Fails to Control Child Marriage