5 Tips for Closing Sales on Instagram

There are many platforms that have emerged over the past ten years that enable brands to connect with their customers (or potential customers). One of the most effective of these has been Instagram, which now boasts five hundred million daily active users.

The brands that receive the greatest ROI from a platforms Instagram take advantage of selling from their profile. There is a tremendous opportunity to reach audiences, expose them to your product, and actually close deals. You can use the best Instagram bot to increase your followers and user engagement. Actually making a sale, though, takes more strategy. Here are five tips to implement right away that can help you close sales on Instagram:

1. Nudge people into a buy.

First, you have to be thoughtful with your messaging, display, and symbolism to encourage sales. This means using both practical and psychological approaches. From a logistics perspective, you need to make sure to include the best possible sales link.

This should get as close to a buy for the particular product you are trying to sell as possible. Therefore, when a user clicks on the link, they have very little left to do to make the purchase. You also need to ensure you are using high-quality images.

According to Calendar founder, John Rampton, “Detailed Instagram images tend to invoke more positive emotions and better sentiment towards your product.” Plus, low-quality photos demonstrate a level of unprofessionalism that can be detrimental.

Psychologically, there are many emotions you can invoke with your messaging and display to encourage your audience to buy. With a caption and images, you have significant bandwidth. This can include images and wording that make your followers feel as if they are missing out by not making a purchase.

You can paint the picture that there are many others who have already bought the product and that time is running out. You can also play to people's hearts by crafting a campaign around a social cause or charity. Appealing to people with logos, pathos, and ethos will trigger their propensity to make a purchase.

2. Discounts, first offerings and deals.

Instagram gives you the opportunity to make your followers feel like they are getting an exclusive deal. They know that the posts you are making are only being seen on Instagram. Plus, unless you are promoting the post or it has high engagement, it is primarily seen by just your specific followers.

Therefore, there is already a degree of exclusivity. Offer discounts on products as well as first dibs on new services. This will both add a compelling reason to buy and build brand loyalty.

For more, you can leverage Instagram with deals based on engagement. Offering a free product to anyone who gets two other people to pay, for example, can have a high impact. Giveaways can also play a positive role. They can increase your follower count, and, therefore, number of people who will see the products you are offering. That tends to be worth the price of what you choose to giveaway.

3. Find the perfect audience.

You are going to struggle to sell the right thing to the wrong people no matter how good of a deal or nice of an image. Plus, the more people that follow your account, the less you have to worry about paid promotion. Therefore, you have to be obsessive about finding the right audience and growing it.

This is a process that comes with time. Using bots to increase qualified followers is one very valuable route. There are plenty of other strategies to grow your followers as well. It is primarily important to recognize that the more people you are able to interact with via your account, the higher impact your selling posts will have.

4. Leverage relationships.

The more people that are sharing your content when you try to make a sale, the higher reach it will have. It might be logical to offer an influencer a free product in return for them sharing your post. Creating these relationships with influencers can be extremely valuable. That being said, doing so is difficult.

The other place you can leverage relationships is with individual customers. This extends beyond just the time that you are selling something. When you are constantly engaging with your customers via comments and direct messages, they will feel a greater attachment to your brand. Then, when it is time to make a sale, doing so will be much easier. Once you have loyal customers, you can even ask them to help you promote your product. They will be willing to do so much more frequently than you might think.

5. Promote posts.

There can be a stigma to promoting your Instagram posts. If doing so will yield a positive return on investment, though, then it is very logical. This is especially the case, and it is easy to measure, when you are using a post for the primary purpose of a sale.

You can determine exactly how many people bought your product compared to how much money you spent on advertising. When that number is positive, it is worth continuing along the same trajectory. Different posts will have different levels of engagement, naturally. Keeping track of the data over time will paint a picture of how effective you are being and whether to pour more money into promotion.

In the case where you do not have relationships with influencers and they are not willing to help in exchange for a free product, you can offer them money. A highly effective route on Instagram is to directly pay influencers to share or promote your content to their audiences. This allows you to target based on who follows them and can be a large driver of sales.