10 Specimens That Define The Grandeur of Indian Arts and Handicrafts

BENGALURU: We have bragged enough about how rich our Indian traditions and cultures are, but do we really know the value of our arts and handicrafts? More so the value of an artist who contributes meticulous efforts to brings out some beautiful handicrafts! Several nations worldwide have learnt these art forms from our ancestors and we as Indians need to appreciate the brilliance and here is why.

Scoopwhoop has listed some of the incredible facts Indian art forms and what they showcase to the world today—

Kalamkari Art 100 pct Natural:


We live in a world where everything is polluted from the food we eat to the air we breathe. Kalamkari is one of the few ancient fabric painting art forms which are completely organic. By complete we mean 100 percent including the brushes, the fabric and even the colors. One must possess at least a piece of such fabric printed by those brilliant artists here in India.

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