Transform Thoughts into Reality: The Uniqueness of Successful Entrepreneurs

BANGALORE: There are two types of people in the industrialized world, one is entrepreneurs and others are non-entrepreneurs. They are very different, and sometimes they have trouble relating to each other. Entrepreneurs are considered of their own breed. Few people do what entrepreneurs do, and for a very good reason. If you are an entrepreneur, you probably don’t understand how people could spend their lives working to make someone else’s dreams come true.

Entrepreneurs have a very different way of seeing the world and acting on it. Listed below are some of the ways entrepreneurs think:

1. They rarely admit failure

To an entrepreneur, a setback or failure is just a speed bump. While the average person might decide to pack up and admit something just can’t be done, the entrepreneur will typically spend huge amounts of time and money to get around the issue and solve the problem.

It’s been said that Thomas Edison tried and failed 500 times to build a light bulb before he successfully did so. He supposedly said he merely found 500 ways to not make a light bulb.