NAPHSIS And Cognizant Team Up To Transform Electronic Verification of Vital Records for Better Protection of Individual Identity

BANGALORE: NAPHSIS (National Association for Public Health Statistics and Information Systems) has selected Cognizant as a consulting and technology partner to transform its Electronic Verification of Vital Events (EVVE) system in order to make it easier for businesses and government entities to verify birth and death records, and prevent identity theft.

Cognizant will also help NAPHSIS grow its customer base by enhancing its marketing strategy and attracting new subscribers. The engagement will enable NAPHSIS to not just expand the usage of EVVE across federal and state agencies, but also make it available for the first time to authorized non-governmental organizations with proven administrative use or property right to query birth and death data.

EVVE allows subscribers to query the vital record systems of participating states to instantly confirm the information presented by applicants anywhere in the country, irrespective of the place or date of issuance of that information. The new and improved EVVE will match queries against 250 million birth records in participating vital record databases nationwide. By using a single interface, subscribers will now be able to verify the validity of a paper birth certificate or request an electronic certification in lieu of the paper birth certificate.

The system will also prevent fraudulent acts by flagging if the person matched is deceased, while also providing for the electronic verification and certification of death records. The new EVVE will also support broadcast or fact-of-death queries to help subscribers check if a death record exists anywhere in the U.S. for a particular individual.

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