5 Fruitful Lessons from Innovative IT leaders

Bangalore: The definition of innovation is often hard to pin down. Successful innovation is created by taking something that already exists and then modifying it to create something new. The popular view of innovation as an endless series of ?eureka? moments is romantic, but flawed.

Below listed are 5 habits of innovative leaders that drives the innovation process and overall productivity of the organization

1. Give Chance for Innovation

Most of The IT leaders now firmly believe that innovation is central to a company?s strategy and performance, but getting the innovation right is the hardest part. Although more than 50 percent of corporate leaders say innovation is among their priorities but the reality is that most people in the organization simply don't carve out the time to think about innovation. The reason they say is that there's no directive or permission from the top to do so.

David Robinson, CIO of Kansas City-based insurance brokers Lockton Companies, wrote to Rob Preston, VP and Editor in chief of informationweek discussing about Lockton?s approach to innovation, Robinson says that that? the company has no such formal innovation team but the employees there don't have to ask permission to go outside their everyday jobs. "Give people a specific challenge and then empower them to solve it without rules," Robinson says. "Most folks have the resilience and drive under such circumstances."