5 C's of Mobile Marketing

BANGALORE: Mobile integration has become absolutely inevitable for every consumer brand that interacts with its customers. Now its no longer limited to a plain phone call, as the medium has flourished with round the clock IVR services, Missed calls services, Mobile apps and SMS. "I absolutely adore the lucidity & adaptability of the medium that paves way for innovative ideas for establishing a connect," said Vikram Raichura, Managing Director of VivaConnect.

We all interact with numerous brands over our mobile screens from time to time. Like the time we vote for our favorite contestant of a Reality dance show by giving a missed call or the time we avail a free movie ticket on a fine Tuesday just over an SMS and many other such activities.

On having a closer look & unraveling the threads for knowing what makes this medium sizzling hot for brands to connect, market & sell their services, all we find is 5 C’s to The Mobile Marketing.


Today customer doesn’t need to spend a single penny of his for interacting with brands. Almost every mobile marketing services is built on the principle of zero cost expenditure from the end user, to ensure maximum engagement by customers. Interestingly, the cost factor doesn’t just stop here, having a collective consideration of rewards, convenience of time, liberty of place & ease of access, the total saving goes way beyond the cash.

The one who brings higher value to customers money, directly lands a spot in their heart.
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