5 Biggest Social Networking Policy Mistakes By Companies

Bangalore: Social Networking, be it Facebook, Twitter and others, have become the indispensable flavor of majority populous. And it also has become a trend where most employees check their social networking sites than take a coffee or cigarette breaks. In wake of such prominent trend, companies are still figuring out the best ways to handle it in the workplace.

Although social media sites offers many benefits for the business viz—  help companies to reach current or potential customers or employees to connect with each other – they also comes with set of risks such as security issues, legal concerns and cause damage to the company based on irresponsible employees’ online posts.

Some companies responded by totally blocking social networking sites, some are yet figuring out to act.

Three quarter of the employees still access the sites from their personal devices like Smartphones, and about 60 percent said that they accessed site like Facebook and twitter multiple times in a day, according to the new Social Media and Workplace 2012 Report.

While keeping employees off of social networks is difficult or impossible, developing and distributing a social networking policy can help companies minimize the risks.

Read on to know 5 top mistakes that companies make whilst conceiving social networking policies as compiled by Tech Republic.

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