3 Key Areas That CIO's Focus On

Bangalore: The role of CIO has just turned out from a walk in the park to a competitive role which involved social strategies, mobile and security as well. So how did this job get more competitive? Well there are two things that we can point our fingers at. The first one is the need and importance of IT economy and e-commerce. The importance of these factors turned to be such crucial that investors started demanding more from IT sectors. The second factor is the importance of IT security. In the Past years we have seen security breaches that ripped some of the well known companies like Sony and LinkedIn. So with all these challenges breaking around, the role CIO’s and IT directors got more and more challenging.

So here’s a list that features 3 factors that CIO’s give more importance.

1. Focus on data security:

The demand for need of data for different productive purposes has gradually increased when compared to other years. Along with that, the rate of security breaches has also shot up. Margaret Troy, head of IT for GE Money said “Ten years ago people’s experience of IT in the corporate environment was better than at home. This is changing and now in many cases the reverse is true. This consumerisation of IT is creating an ‘always on’ expectation for staff and customers. Now that the boundaries between the physical and virtual workplace are blurred, the challenge – and opportunity – for organisations is to standardize the experience and make sure it’s secure.”