Want To Know Richest Indian's Salary?

Bangalore: we all are aware that most of the CEOs and Celebrities across the world earn big bucks. And at the same time, we as common people are keen to know about how much do these celebrities earn.

When we think about India’s richest people, the first name that strikes our mind is none other than Mukesh Ambani, the business czar.

In the coming days, it will be more interesting to know how this business magnet earns and saves annually. According to the annual report of the company Mukesh Ambani has kept his salary unchanged from fiscal year 2008, at 15 Crore.

Previously Ambani was getting almost up to 24 crore as his salary, through which he gained a lot of media attention. This was the time when Prime Minister Manmohan Singh put a cap on CEOs salaries, in a meeting of business leaders in 2007. Perhaps, in the year 2008, Ambani capped compensation of 15 crore.

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