Hitachi Solutions Expands To Expand Operations In India

SINGAPORE: Citing strong global demand for its software solutions, Hitachi has decided to expand its operations in India as it regards the country as a central point for its support system in the global network.

"We see India as a central point for our support system in the global network," said Mike Gillis, President and Global Chief Executive Officer of the Hitachi Solutions America Ltd.

Citing strong global demand for its software solutions, Hitachi Solutions India is more than doubling its capacity with expansion at its two centres in Chennai and Hyderabad over the next 24 months, said Ananth Subramanian, Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director of the Indian operation.

The Chennai expansion will be inaugurated on May 21 and another centre will be added at Hyderabad from July.

Subramanian attributed the Hitachi's fast-pace expansion in India to "very strong growth in the global market for software solutions".

"Part of the global market is being catered to by the Indian operations," he said.
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Source: PTI