4 Women Bikers on Off-Road Adventures

Bangalore: Whenever you talk about a bike, almost all the time you will find a male name associated with it. But in today’s world where women are matching their feet with men in almost all the sectors of life, they are also matching the speedy wheels. It has been observed that large numbers of female bikers have joined many newly formed only-female bikers clubs. Read on five Indian women who take bike riding as their passion and are crazy about it.

1. Urvashi Patole

Urvashi Patole calls herself as a proud biker and is a member of Bikerni, the firs only-female bikers club. Urvashi is 24 and had started her journey six years age and since than bikes have become an integral part of her existence. In bikeroftheyear.in Urvashi defines “a biker backs other riders when need be, motorcycles are everything to them, accepts anyone up on two wheels as their own, rides in rain or in sunshine. My passionate love for motorcycles shall endure forever and I am proud to be lady motorcyclist”.
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