2011: Least CEO Firings in Years

Bangalore: CEO's disappearances have been there throughout history and the number of people who were given the pink slips has been ever increasing. Figures speak for themselves but 2011 was the year where least number of CEOs was ousted.

Going by the figures given to Business Insider by Chicago-based consultancy Challenger, Gray and Christmas, 42 CEOs were forced out last year. It was the least in number in the last five years. 69 CEOs were asked to put down their papers in 2008.

"Right now, the economy is at a tipping point where we could see significant improvement in the coming year or a dip backward. Companies did a lot more house cleaning as the economy was sinking and in the early part of the recovery, but last year they appear to have taken a wait-and-see approach when it comes to leadership," said James Pedderson, a Spokesman for Challenger Gray. The rate of CEOs getting fired has been broken down into different segment. Out of 49 CEOs, 15 were removed, 9 were ousted, 9 were involved in scandals, 4 had to leave their pst due to pressure from Board, 3 left due to economic conditions, 1 was eliminated from their positions and 1 was seized by FDIC.