10 Most Popular American Companies by Non-Americans

Bangalore: America is the ‘land of dreams’ and is also the home to some of the most popular companies of the world. Every year, millions of people from various corners of the world migrate to the American soil to try their luck. While some of these people become successful in turning their dreams into reality, some do not!

Some of these immigrants has founded some of the best known companies in the American History and has also made to all the corners of the globe. ‘huffingtonpost.com’ has listed some of the companies which are extremely popular in the U.S. and are equivalently popular in the whole world.

1. Google
Founder: Sergey Brin
Country of Origin: Russia

It is said that ‘Google’ knows almost everything and it is indeed the most popular search engine today. The history of Google lies in the Stanford University, where two friends; Sergey Mikhaylovich Brin and Larry Page, gave up their PhD studies and developed a search giant called Google.

Sergey Mikhaylovich Brin was born in Russia in August 21, 1973. When he was six years old, his parents migrated to the U.S. After completing his graduation in Computer Science, he went Stanford University to complete his PhD. It was in Stanford, where he met Larry Page and came up with the idea of Google.

2. AT&T
Founder: Alexander Graham Bell
Country of Origin: Scotland

‘American Telephone and Telegraph Company’ (AT&T) was founded in 1899. Presently, AT&T is the telephone legend of the U.S. Along with mobile telephony and fixed telephony, AT&T also provides television services.

The history of AT&T lies on the hands of Alexander Graham Bell; of one of the greatest scientists of the world. Graham Bell migrated to the U.S. from Scotland and worked as teacher to the deaf students. Precisely, this took him to the invention of ‘telephone’. After the invention of the telephone, Graham Bell founded the ‘Bell Telephone Company’. AT&T was a secondary branch of the Bell Telephone Company.

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