Yaphie Inc: Revolutionizing the Search for Best-Fit Education

Date:   Tuesday , May 06, 2014

The current educational landscape is turning increasingly competitive and expanding continuously. Yet, the industry still encounters significant concerns. The upcoming years would continue to be important with increasing demand for corrective measures in the sector. Presently, curriculum efficiency surfaces as a significant roadblock together with stringent admission procedures and less-effective student guidance programs. These being vital factors towards ensuring educational efficacy at all levels, there is increased focus on tackling them. The attempts towards refining the educational sector should, for ultimate success, be based on strong expertise, clear understanding on the circumstances, and task-specific-strategies. Among several companies involved in the sector, New Jersey based Yaphie Inc stands out with their unique approach towards problem-solving as compared to competitors. The firm aims at transforming the education sector by tackling the boundaries resulted due to inflexible guidance counseling, and replacing it with a programmed and comprehensible online system adapted to give students the inspiration and proper guidance needed to secure admission into the educational institutions of their choice.

Revolutionizing College Planning for All Students

Yaphie, under the leadership of Mohit Shah, CEO, has been providing assistance for students for addressing major concerns such as curriculum efficacy, recruitment in colleges and student guidance counseling. The conventional counseling imparted to students in high-school level, on an average, is of around thirty-eight minute duration and covers few aspects of college planning and preparation. This indicates that the duration of counseling provided to students is decreasing, and that at the end of the session, they still have many doubts left unanswered.

In order to measure and maintain curriculum efficiency, the firm compares curriculum standards with requirements of the college. Coming to student guidance, although, one can avail outside counseling, often they are expensive to such a level that majority of students find them unaffordable, and, in many cases they are of very short-duration. The counseling sessions are another area of interest for Yaphie, wherein they are trying to fix the problems by bringing in big data, and advanced algorithms into a user-friendly environment. The reports generated as part of the process would be of assistance in evaluation and recruitment in colleges, also colleges would have an enlarged base of candidates.

In short, Yaphie uses big data combined with student-centric business strategies to provide users with a self-guidance education platform. Yaphie, further permits users to tabulate their achievements and characteristics, understand impacting features, track their academic and extracurricular progress, and get exposure to alternative career plans. So, Yaphie steps in where the regular guidance counselor steps out and demystifies college planning.

Breaking the Norms

The most distinguishing factor about Yaphie is their different approach towards the sector that involves democratizing the student counseling system and providing customers with a platform that includes analytical, collaborative, comparative, and social educational tools. The entire process is oriented towards enabling students to have a clarified view on aspects regarding admission, so that they could increase chances of admission by making adjustments to their educational path.

The entire team at Yaphie has total faith in the possibility of simplifying the entire process of finding the best educational opportunity. According to Shah, \"We believe the process can be simple and that, by taking their interests into account, our platform can help students find not just a better school, but a better fit. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive understanding of high school and college planning by creating a platform environment with tools that are competitive, collaborative, and resourceful at the same time\".

Establishing Direct Access between Students and Institutes

The Yaphie platform, empowered with profiles of students, deans and tutors as well as real-time updates, establishes a direct link between students, deans, and tutors by utilizing tools such as Workspace Whiteboard, Meet the Dean, and Discussion Forum. This is possible as there is option for users to submit their scholastic outlook and suggestive information on colleges, calculate the probability of admissions, and use the Yaphie Courseware research tool to analytically assess any high school lecture-session offered across the United States. Moreover, suggestions on single and multi-year educational curriculum are accepted from users through the Courseware Tracker & Planner.

\"We can tell you where to apply based on your interests. And, calculate your probability of admissions, and show you how to enhance it, tell you what classes you should take and why, how you compare to students who are doing similar things or who have similar plans\". We provide tools for students to engage each other, material and user generated content, continues Shah.

The Signature Application Engine at Yaphie could enable a single interface application to about 4,400 colleges.

Yaphie\'s high-end services cater to large numbers of first-time college applicants as well as students in grades eight through twelfth, parents, and guidance counselors, thereby serving an exceptionally large customer base amounting to about twenty-million clients.
Since inception, the company has continuously exhibited a steady growth pattern and stable market presence. Although there have been competitors, there has been no direct rivals to their platform-experience.

Embracing the Future

The future plans are associated with empowering user-acquisition and engagement, developing more pro-active strategies and enhancing ongoing plans. With the goal to make the platform available in all states, a four-phase roll-out plan is in consideration, so as to drive user-registration across the country. Infrastructure expansion is another priority. Soon, the company would be releasing few of its mobile applications. There are attempts going on to develop latest data products that could add value to different verticals in the sector. Significant revenue is anticipated from the process, which, would further aid in maintaining the platform.