Olive Introduces India's First 3G Tablet: OlivePad VT100

Date:   Tuesday , September 07, 2010

Olive Telecom enters the tablet market with its Android based OlivePad VT100, which is touted to be the first 3G tablet of India. The OlivePad packs in features of a tablet as well as a smartphone. It comes with a 7-inch touchscreen, a 3MP camera, and a front camera. It can be used as a touch notebook for browsing, multimedia, IM, social networking, gaming, reading e-books, and watching TV. The tablet supports 3.5G HSUPA, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth, while features like voice and video calling confer it with a smartphone status. The OlivePad-VT100 will be available in stores at a price of Rs. 25,000.