The Rising Star of the Technology Domain

Date:   Wednesday , February 11, 2015

Cloud Computing has become ubiquitous. CIOs who refrained themselves from adopting this technology courtesy various reasons, have started getting peaceful sleep at night. In fact, most CIOs are now considering Cloud Computing.While some have converted their in-house data centers to using Cloud technology, others are still in experiment phase of getting familiar with public Cloud. This has eliminated reservations of Cloud\'s potential from being the next generation model of utility computing. But with such huge potential comes the risk of failing to realize the abilities and delivering a solution that only covers a smaller scope of business opportunity and becomes obsolete quickly.

Since the day when introduced Elastic Compute Cloud, Cloud computing has travelled a long way. A lot of development and progress has already been made in Cloud technologies, but there still remains a wide range of concerns that need to be addressed in future Cloud restatements in order to reach its full potentials. The tragedy doesn\'t end here. There still exists a multitude of confusion caused by Cloud computing terminology and claimed advantages, making it difficult to distinguish which features are truly new and related to Cloud computing and which features are simply the re-branding of earlier technologies.

Hence, in this edition of our siliconindia magazine, we bring to you the list of such Cloud computing companies who bridge the gap between technology, knowledge and its performance. Under our \'25 Most Promising Cloud Computing Companies\', we have featured the story of some of the cloud computing companies. Hope the list helps you in your future endeavors and we achieve our mission.

Apart from this, we bring to you the story of Plintron: Making Audacious Moves in the Mobile Virtual Network Enabler(MVNE) Segment. Under the esteemed leadership of Mohan Kumar Sundaram, the company is growing leaps and bounds and emerging as one of the leading players in the MVNE segment.