Does The Buzz Word 'IT' Stand For Money and Greed?

Date:   Wednesday , September 02, 2015

When I read an article on \"IT Party is over - Now\'s the time to reinvent or die,\" written by Ravi Venkatesan, Chairman of Social Venture Partners India and the former chairman of Microsoft India it was very clear that those who work for IT industry have no knowledge or the proper education in the basic sciences to become creative thinkers or researchers to introduce a new knowledge into the so called information technology. This reminded me of a recent incident at my University when an Asian student approached me for a possible summer job or a part-time semester job in my laboratory. When I asked the student about his background, he informed me, without much elaboration, that he has been a recent graduate in IT. My curiosity about his educational background made me ask him, with slight sarcasm, what is IT and whether it stands for Idiot\'s Technology, Inferior Technology, or Intelligence Technology? I was stunned when the student failed to notice my sarcasm and immediately settled for Intelligence Technology! I left it there without further inquiries or assessment.

Without creativity can a person survive in the modern society with emerging new technologies? If they can, how can we define creativity? Creativity must originate from within the person\'s knowledge on basics of sciences, technology, engineering, and mastering the ability to differentiate the existing knowledge from the newly created ones within the boundary of the facts of nature. We are the humans blessed with the diamond quality brain � the more you polish, more it shines � meaning accurately learning the knowledge with hard work, dedication, and determination. Creativity is just like diamond cutting � the more you cut, the more luster emerges from and it demands dedication. That is why learning knowledge systematically and accurately is more important than just earning the desired grade \"by hook or by crook\" and then ultimately seeking a job with or without influence in an IT industry to earn a big salary without the creativity to show off to the community as a person of higher status. This is the truth of what is happening in IT industry, as Ravi Venkatesan described it as \"creative destruction\" of mediocre minds that are not willing to cut their diamonds as they are unclean without the fundamental knowledge of sciences, technology, and engineering.

When I posed the question of relating money and hunger for it (greediness) to the younger generation of IT, the immediate response from them was not at all surprising as they all said without money there is no life or survival. Unfortunately, such sentiments are like bitter pills that are hard to swallow. Nonetheless, it is an undeniable fact that the true knowledge (Saraswathi) never goes after money (Lakshmi), but it is always other way around!

Recently, I was asked at an institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to present a public lecture on the topic of ethical guidelines in research and publication emphasizing integrity and trust and I agreed to deliver. Accordingly, I prepared the first slide with the title \"Publication Ethics: Rights and Wrongs\" indicating the following sequential topics beginning with craze for money leading researchers to undergo unduly pressure in applying for patents (greediness). This was followed by patent applications by the employers and/or employees making their subordinates to work day and night and seven days a week (slavery), overwhelming pressure to accomplish only those envisioned or proposed research results leading to falsification, fabrication and/or plagiarism (research misconduct), and further craze for securing sole intellectual rights by ignoring all of those subordinate researchers/employees who have contributed significantly by actually doing the laboratory research, providing help in writing, rewriting or correcting the patent applications or manuscripts. In other words, determination to make a significant impact in the minds of the readers or the patent attorney could make any individual to ignore people who have worked behind the scene (unethical and unprofessional behavior) and finally the ultimate ambition of becoming a millionaire with the expense of other associates and colleagues leading to act inhumanely (animal behavior) are the true destruction of integrity, trust, ethical and moral standards in scientific publications and patents inherent in our modern society. It may not be surprising that most of the younger generation of IT is unaware of the correct meaning of ethical standards and plagiarism at home and at school. Many of the younger generation of students, postdocs, researchers, technicians and even junior faculty believe that \"lying, stealing or plagiarism\" and then \"not being caught\" is \"bravery\"! If it were not for the modern day detection of cyber crime, we would not have found many of these illegal acts.

Another aspect of learning is to uncover the truth and/or unaltered knowledge as we observe in nature through scientific data or books comprising those peer-reviewed scientific publications. They are the existent facts or scientifically obtained data that are real or observed facts of nature. We know very well that \"facts are forever\", but \"interpretations may come and go\'! Therefore, the peer review system must emphasize that the authors interpret the data accurately and consistent with those of the published ones. In the race of impact factors (similar to TRP in the entertainment business), the peer-review system of many journals has been ignoring the basic standards of ethics that are crucial to preserve the integrity of the scientific publications.