

What is groups in SiliconIndia?
Many professionals advance their careers and business goals by counting on industry and professional groups, alumni organizations, industry conferences and corporate alumni groups to help them make vital new business contacts. SiliconIndia for Groups offers extra features to group-based organizations to help their members stay in touch with one another and discover powerful new business contacts within their groups and beyond. SiliconIndia for Groups allows event organizers and group organizations to extend their brand's reach and strengthen the brand with existing members by providing additional value through SiliconIndia's features.

What types of groups are there in SiliconIndia?
Typically, groups are collegiate and professional school alumni associations, corporate alumni groups, professional organizations, networking groups, and event and tradeshow organizers. These groups can be private or public. Private groups are accessible to only members of that specific group. Public groups are accessible to all the members of SiliconIndia.

How do I start a group in SiliconIndia?
Any SiliconIndia member can create as many groups they want to be connected with people with different interests. And you will be responsible to manage those groups.

How do I join a group in SiliconIndia?
If you want to join any of the existing group, send join group request if it is a private group and once the moderator approves the request, you will become a member of that group. Incase of the public group you can join at your own convenience. Let us know if you have any further questions by sending an email to
Note that first two methods require that you know the email address of each person you invite to your network.

Why should my group be on SiliconIndia?
For two people to connect, one must invite the other and the other must accept. You can send an invitation to anyone (SiliconIndia user or not) as long as you have that person's email address. The only difference is that non-SiliconIndia members will have to register before accepting your invitation. Each invitation accepted can add thousands of professionals to your network.

I tried to join my group, but it's saying that my membership is pending upon the approval of the group manager?
This may be because you attempted to join the group with a different email address than the one used to send you an invitation. This is easy to solve, you can either register the email address you received the invitation with your current SiliconIndia account or contact your group manager with a note that you would like to join the group with a different email address.

I've joined my group on SiliconIndia, now what?
You now have access to a tool that allows you to fully leverage your entire personal and professional network in one simple step. Click on the link on your homepage to browse or search your fellow group members' profiles. Information you learn about your peers' backgrounds and expertise will be highly relevant to your professional needs and inquiries. When you have searched and found a fellow group member you wish to reach out to, you can contact that member on a 1-to-1 basis, rather than sending your requests to a mass email list.

How many groups can I join?
You can join as many groups as you belong to. We anticipate that the average user of SiliconIndia probably belongs to at least 3 to 4 groups that are meaningful to their professional life.

Can I get spammed by other members of the group?
No. SiliconIndia for Groups is designed specifically for the individual and not as a groupwide communications tool. Therefore, there is no way for an individual user to send broadcast messages to all members of the group.

Will I be able to contact fellow group members?
Yes. Each member of a group decides how fellow group members can contact him/her. Since group members share an affinity and are usually open to interacting with fellow group members, most SiliconIndia members allow fellow group members to contact one another without referral.

Who can see me in the system?
Once you join your group on SiliconIndia, your profile becomes visible to all fellow members.

If I belong to a group will I be able to see my fellow members' connections?
Yes. Joining a group does allow you to see a fellow member's network. It also allows you to see other group members. Once you have developed a strong relationship with a fellow member, you can request to be connected to him or her as a member of your network also.

There are people I know who are part of my organization, but they do not show up when I search for them on SiliconIndia, what's wrong?
SiliconIndia is an opt-in only system. All people showing up in search results are actual members who chose to sign up. Nobody is represented to be in the SiliconIndia network without their knowledge and explicit consent. If they do not show up, then they have not signed up to SiliconIndia or they have not accepted your group's invitation.

Feel free to encourage your fellow members to join SiliconIndia by sending them the invitation link from your group director. Joining SiliconIndia helps both of you to leverage your professional networks, which can easily become a critical solution to your professional challenges.

Do I still need to invite a member to join my network if they're already in my group? I thought that by being in a group, they don't have to join my network?
Connecting to a member establishes them as a trusted person within your personal network, beyond the trust that was created through your mutual membership in an affinity organization. As part of your personal network, you are able to view and search through their network and vice versa.

What if I don't want to add any contacts? I don't want to bug my friends.
You certainly do not have to invite any contacts if you don't want to. The good news is that if you join a group and decide that you want to go through your SiliconIndia experience one step at a time and not connect to anyone yet. Inviting your contacts to join you on SiliconIndia is very unobtrusive and SiliconIndia does not take advantage of your friends' contact information without their explicit knowledge and consent.

How do I quit my group?
There is an option to unsubscribe from the group. You can quit a group at your own convenience. You don't need to send a mail to group moderator.