The Future Is Now: 8 Gadgets That Will Change Your Life

Mint breathometer # Mint

Want a clear breath? Then this one is a must have gadget for you. This pocket-sized device called the Mint allows users to instantly measure breath quality and hydration levels based on Volatile Sulfur Compounds and moisture from a single breath sample.

The Food and beverage choices, poor oral maintenance, gum disease, tooth decay or basic health issues give rise to elevated VSC. This results in reduced breath quality and increased social anxiety about your breath.

On the other hand, the device as far as the portability is concerned is small in size to fit into most of the purses and can be connected to a Smartphone to measure and analyze the breath quality with statistics of your dental health progression.

# Sense

The Sense is a sleep tracking device which is equipped with a Sense Smart Alarm that will wake up users at a best time in their sleep cycle. The best part is that, the Users need not worry about getting late to work as they will still set their own alarm, but the device will only wake users a little earlier if the Sleep Pill attached to their pillows detects they have to be up early.

This prevents users from falling deeper into sleep minutes before their alarm goes off and will therefore feel less grumpy.

If you think this is awesome here’s more, the Sense not only checks the sleep quality, but also helps to improve it. The sensors keep a track of the noise, light, temperature, humidity and particles to help users recognize and possibly eliminate the problem that wakes them or lead to disturbed sleep.

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