iPad Mini: What to Expect?


The price has been a hot topic for discussion among the gadget enthusiast. Generally all the goodies that come out of an Apple bag always come with a huge and hefty price tag which isn’t affordable for many. But since the new tablet from Apple is going to be a smaller the rumors indicates that the price of the Mini might be on the lower and more affordable side. It is bean said that the iPad Mini could have a starting price as low as $249 which roughly translates around 13,000.

Google Nexus 7 and Amazon Kindle will face a serious threat from iPad Mini if the prices of the rumored Mini are true.

iOS 6

This is not a rumor but something we can be sure about, keeping in mind the past track record of Apple. Everytime Apple launches a new product it makes sure that it is loaded with the latest operating system. Since they launched their new operating system iOS 6 in June 2012, we can be sure that the iPad Mini will function on this latest operating system. The new iOS 6 comes loaded with over 200 new features which include new Map apps, improved Siri, Facebook integration and Pocket Passport.
