Google I/O: What to Expect in 2016

Project Tango: 

According to a report in Bloomberg, Google wants Tango, its technology for letting smartphones understand and map their position relative to the world around them without using GPS or any other external device. Right now, only developers have got access to these devices. For Google's vision to come true, all Android phone manufactures would have to be brought on board, incorporating Tango sensors into their phones.


Self-driving cars are part of Google X; Google X is part of Alphabet; and Alphabet isn't running Google I/O; Google is. So does Google X get to present?

This year, there hasn't been anything to suggest that we'll get any bit of information on autonomous cars at I/O. There hasn't been much talk about Android Auto, either. But it would make sense for the platform to come up. It's been on the market for a solid year now, and it wouldn't be surprising if Google has some updates to share.

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