Choose the Right Headphone to Suit Your Style

Ear Pad Headphones

At the first glance the Ear Pad Headphones look very similar to the Full Size Headphones. The Ear Pad Headphone fit and covers the ear completely. But unlike the Full Size Headphones, the Ear Pads comes with cushioned pads that lightly rest over the listener’s ears.

But form people who are looking for the ambience noise to be cut off these aren’t the headphones that you should buy. Since they just lie over the ear they are not able to totally block out the noises but this can prove to be good in a crowded country like India. These headphones because of their design do not even offer deep bass.

Like the Full Ear Headphones, the size of the headphones can be a problem and these headphones do not lend themselves to being portable. But these are the perfect pair that one can use to watch movies at home.

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