8 Innovative Features On the New OnePlus 2

Support for gestures

Gesture control is not a new concept anymore, but the way it is used on the OnePlus 2  adds to the charm. Like the double tap on screen wakes up the phone which is already seenon the LG devices, but it gets better from here. Draw an ‘O’ to open the camera option, write ‘V’ to toggle the flash on/off and swipe parallel lines with two fingers to pause or play the music.

Customize colors for accents

The text that appears in the options or settings can be customized to a color of your choice  offeringoptions between red, green blue, orange and even pink. The text is called accent and it is what distinguishes the names of icons and menus.

Customize LED notification colors

OnePlus 2 allows you to customize the color of LED notifications so they can be set as the way you want, as for red indicating missed calls, green for new messages and blue for something of your choice. This way you can be aware as to what is happening with that phone of yours without even touching it. 

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