7 Must-Have Smartphone Accessories


Price: 4100

Customizable Softwares is making waves in the industry, now its time for the hardware to be feasible too. Nexpaq- a Smartphone casing has the features that can add to the features of your existing Smartphone.

This casing offers the Smartphone a wide range of features (an identical of Project Ara) like a 1000mAh battery for further charge, hotkeys module to access apps directly or start the camera.

Think of the NexPaq as a smartphone casing on steroids. It packs a 1000mAh battery for more juice, whereas its standard style enables you to add options to your device. From optical device Pointer, breathalyser, poster color ture and humidness, USB Stick, and loudspeaker system modules all these features make it a huge bonus addition for the Smartphone which are sold individually by the U.S. based company.

The casing can be pre-ordered for Galaxy S5, S6, S6 Edge, Note 4, Note 4 Edge, Apple iPhone 6 and 6 Plus.

Moky Invisible Touchpad Keyboard

Price: 4400

Typing on phone is not always easy and is quite a chore to place the fingers on exactly the required alphabet. The ease and fluency we have on the physical keyboard is one nothing can compete- comes Moky a Bluetooth console touchpad.

On the touch pad, you don't have to press the buttons where a tap on the keys does the job as the infrared laser sensors track every tap. The console has many features other than the touchpad which is just the start.

The gadget has a foldable top which serves as stand for the Smartphone; South Korea-based Innopresso is the brain behind the touchpad keyboard.

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