7 Most In-Demand Tech Gadgets

Amazon Kindle Fire

Amazon’s Kindle Fire tablet has become a roaring success in the market since its launch. Being a seven inch small tablet it has reached the peak in a short span of time. Millions of units have already been sold in the market and it created records for Amazon. The company has said it was the largest selling product across all categories. The price of this tablet is 10,282.

There are various reasons for the great demand of Amazon Kindle Fire. It is among the cheapest available in the market and is backed with the largest collection of content available for any other tablet. Here is a tablet that is not only small in size it is also the lightest of them all. Weighing in at 413 gram, the Amazon Kindle Fire is lighter.

Amazon Kindle tablet ranks highest when it comes to unlimited supply of content and other forms of media and entertainment. Amazon gives users access to 1,00,000 movies and television shows, 17 million songs, full colour magazines, the Kindle book store and the Android App Store. This is at number 2 which is in-demand tech product.
