10 Most-Awaited Things Microsoft Has In Store This Year

# Microsoft's all new Smartphone

Windows 10 is tailor-made for the usage on Personal Computers and tablets just like a new improvised web browser increasing your work and browsing efficiency. Thus people are expecting the same feature on Windows Phone as well.

Regarding this Microsoft has definitely taken a step by introducing universal apps that would perform similar jobs regardless of the devices they are being run on. From drafting office documents on the go to editing photos automatically, everything will be available on the new Windows 10 handset.

# Small tablets with Windows Features

When Microsoft ventured into the market of phones and tablets, users faced a lot of problems with the usage of the Windows 8 version for low-powered tablets known as Windows RT.

The major problem users faced was that while using certain Windows tools like settings or office apps, users were made to use the traditional-looking windows version that is very difficult to use with the touch, thus using this on small tablets was a big No.

So this year we may see revolutionary small tablets that feature the new version but won’t be difficult to use by our fingers.

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