10 Money-Etiquette Issues

Bangalore: In our day to day life, we come across many money handling issues which sometimes leaves us in a weird situation when we are with our friends and family. We can’t get rid of these situations but what we can do is only find a way to tackle them. Let’s discuss some of these money-etiquette issues, brought down by Teri Cettina of Realsimple.com and see how to handle such situations skillfully.

1. Responding to Nosy Questions

A nosy friend of yours asks how much you spent on your clothes, accessories and on your house and car. What would you do? You probably will think, “It’s none of your business.”

Your money handling process is something how you do it. Make sure that you don’t share prices or salaries with friends and families. Though it is nothing personal, but it’s easier not to discuss it. Probably next time when you face such an evasive approach of your friend who asks about your spending habits, you can reply, “Well, probably a little more than I should have, but I am so happy with it,” and switch the conversation to another subject so that your answer suggests that this issue is not worthy of discussion.