Cloud Computing 2012 - Mumbai - Cloud Developers Conference


The future lies in the Cloud. Set your foothold in the Cloud today.

Right now, top-flight developers are innovating at the leading edge of cloud computing using powerful platforms, APIs, and services that you may not even know exist. That’s because the next generation of cloud development is being invented fast and furiously by a slew of companies, big and small, delivering key technologies ranging from tiny but key single-purpose services to large and powerful platforms in the cloud.

This Conference brings together leading cloud technology companies and the developer community to exchange notes in an open and friendly forum.

We are lining up some of the best speakers and the sessions & networking will be of the highest order. You'll experience a complete technical immersion, shared with a developer community that is passionate about all exciting developments in the Cloud world.

Who will be attending Siliconindia Cloud Developer Conference ?
Cloud Developer Conference is for all the enthusiasts in Cloud domain, who want to know more and dig more in Cloud. It is for both current and future developers and architects of Cloud. This Conference is designed in a way to benefit start ups, intermediates and advanced developers and architects of Cloud.